Subject: Serial ports.
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christopher R. Bowman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/10/1995 12:39:50
I've been using unix for years as a user and I am picking up bits and
pieces of administration here and there, but I am having trouble with
geting my modem to work.  I would eventually like to get ppp up and
running.  To this end, I have read just about everything I can get my hands
on that is even remotely related to this.  I wanted to start off by using
cu to get the modem to dial out.  Unfortuneately I can't seem to get this
to work.  I have a IIci with 8 megs, a Maccon nubus ethernet card, and a
zyxel 14.4 modem.  I am running the NFS_14 kernal off eskimo with binaries
from a post 1.0 snapshot.  I have no trouble getting the modem to work
under MACos.  I tried the following command: cu -l /dev/tty00 -s 9600 and I
go the following error: cu: creat (/var/spool/lock/TMP000000005ec):
premission denied cu: /dev/tty: Line in use.
I have tried changing the permissions on /dev/tty00, and I have also tried
the command as root, but I always get the same error.  Can any one lend
some assitance?

Christopher R. Bowman
My home page