Subject: AViiON NVRAM dumps, please help
To: None <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: port-m88k
Date: 02/14/2002 05:15:35
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hi there,

r. 'bear' stricklin <> is trying to collect dumps from
AViiONs's NVRAMs to do a research about their contents what would be
useful when your battery is dead and you need to restore contents of
your NVRAM to use your AViiON system as before.  these dumps can be used
to make a new NVRAM working again itself but he is trying to examine
their internals.  if someone has more information about it, don't
hesitate to send them as well.

he already has dump from AV530 from me and probably few others but any
dump is benefical.  he is especially looking for a dump from AV310CD.
an example of such a dump is available at:

if you can find some time to make a dump of your working NVRAM, please
do it, thanks.

add him on Cc:, please, he is not on this list.

--start of included message


The most effective way to gather this information is to use some other
machine with a worthwhile terminal emulator as the console device for the
Aviion, so you can cut and paste the data somewhere else without having to
retype it. Preferrably, the terminal software should have a reasonable
scrollback buffer so you can do a single cut&paste operation.

In the absence of a keyboard, the Aviion expects to see a terminal on the
RS422/RS232 port, and will use that as its console device as it boots. The
default parameters are 9600, N/8/1.

Once the AViiON fails self-testing with error 10000600 or whatever it was
supposed to fail with, you should be left with the SCM> prompt. This is
the hardware monitor. If it doesn't, you should be able to whack the reset
switch and be dropped into SCM.

If you can't get an SCM prompt, there is a serious problem with the
machine and you can probably skip the rest of this message.

If you have an SCM prompt to work with, type 'F' and navigate through the
screens so I can look at the settings the machine thinks it has. This will
make it easier to disassemble the NOVRAM image.

Once you've made it through that, type 'E fff80000'.

You'll see something that looks like this:

SCM> e fff80000
Memory FFF80000 / FFFFFFFF

The low order two bytes are significant, and a lot of the NVRAM is unused
and thus filled with FF or 55. Just send me the whole output, I can parse
it as required.

Anyway, keep pressing enter until the memory location gets to fff81fff,
which is the top of the NVRAM. The last four locations (fff81fe0,
fff81fe4, fff81fe8, fff81fec) are the RTC.

Press escape to quit out of the memory examiner. Be warned that you can
change the values by typing in new ones and pressing enter! Pressing enter
without typing anything will proceed to the next location without making
any change. Note also that backspace behaves non-deterministically so your
safest bet if you accidentally type anything, escape out of the examiner
and start again at the location you left off at.

If you have trouble getting your terminal to send an escape, just whack
the reset switch. It won't cause any ill effects at this point.

If you could send me the output of that, I would be most grateful. If you
run into any problems don't hesitate to email.


--end of included message


-- Lubomir Sedlacik <>   ASCII Ribbon campaign against  /"\=
--                  <>   e-mail in gratuitous HTML and  \ /=
--                                       Microsoft proprietary formats   X =
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