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Re: A few issues while playing with virt68k

BSD disk labels are basically not cross-platform compatible. I just boot the kernel and specify the install root Ramdisk using the -initrd option (or whatever it's called). I suppose I should write up install notes :-)
Where's the fun in that? ;)

I suppose I could've created a ramdisk, or booted nfs, but I'm good at forgetting things like the lack of compatibility of disklabels. It still doesn't make much sense to me for disklabels when no other type of partitioning is in use (RDB, APM, GPT, whatever).
My host uses ?wm? and I don?t see those, so I guess it?s an ?rge? thing.
I hope that's fixed soon, since many motherboards now come with rge.

Yay for working virt68k! Amazing work, Jason :)
Oh great!  Let?s build some packages!! :-)
Almost. It seems that using large amounts of memory results in panics:

[ 39280.3400030] panic: enter: out of address space
[ 39280.3400030] cpu0: Begin traceback...
[ 39280.3400030] ?(?)
[ 39280.3400030] db_panic(e05d001,903b01c,17af62,24731b,c40dc00) at 0
[ 39280.3400030] vpanic(?)
[ 39280.3400030] panic(24731b,e05d000,1,3,22) + 188
[ 39280.3400030] pmap_enter_ptpage(1071c50,e05d000,1) + 10a
[ 39280.3400030] pmap_enter(1071c50,e05d000,69da000,3,22,5cedc8) + f0
[ 39280.3400030] cpu0: End traceback...

This was while compiling perl with a VM with 512 megs. I lowered memory to 384 megs, and perl and many other packages compile fine.
I tried php 8.3.4, and panic.

By comparison, my Amiga 1200 has 256 megs of memory and 512 megs of swap, and it can just barely compile php 8.3 if I reduce optimization while building apprentice.lo. But even if it runs out of memory, it never panics.
So I reduced memory on a virt68k VM to 256 megs and reduced swap to 512 
megs (it was at a gigabyte), and... panic again while compiling php.
Two differences are that my Amiga is running NetBSD 10 and has PGSHIFT 13, 
not 12.
While switching PGSHIFT to 13 might be a cheap fix, perhaps there's a 
better way?

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