Subject: Re: What's the current status of the FPE?
To: Tod McQuillin <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-m68k
Date: 04/29/2001 05:04:51
[For port-m68k: the old "does LC040 work yet?" question came up on
mac68k again, the resulting conversation led to the below.]
On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 03:31:17AM -0500, Tod McQuillin wrote:
> He posted to port-m68k in early January -- it wasn't mentioned on
> port-mac68k.
If he's really got LC060 working "as well as 020/030", that bodes
well for an attempt on the LC040.
(If memory serves, all went well for most basic stuff on my LC III...
which I should have shipped out here from Missouri, if only to play
with this stuff too.)
Make sure you do report to port-m68k as well as -mac68k about your
LC040 test, Tod. :^>
As before, if another opinion or test machine is needed, let me
Ignatios, are you listening? If LC040 is bootable and moderately
stable, I can put one up here on a reliable Internet connection
with only a bit of difficulty. (See some post in that has yet to
make it to mail-index.) I'm glad to do a modicum of babying and
observance of rebooting (at least during the summer) if such is
necessary. Having an 040 running sans FPU plays into some other
research plans of my own anyhow.
~ g r @