Subject: Re: What's the current status of the FPE?
To: Tod McQuillin <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-m68k
Date: 04/29/2001 04:08:42
On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 02:39:51AM -0500, Tod McQuillin wrote:
> Has anyone tested Ignatios Souvatzis's recent m68k FPE changes? They were
> intended to improve lc040 support but I haven't heard from anyone whether
> they improve the situation on lc040 macs.
I can't make any promises (especially since I'm insanely busy right
now), but I *might* be able to have an (effective) Performa 63x
(with an LC040) up for testing in reasonably short order. (This
involves digging a 63x motherboard out of storage and stuffing it in
a 6500. Don't ask.)
> I've just installed a snapshot of 1.5U on my IIci in preparation for
> building a -current kernel for my Powerbook 540c (lc040) -- I'll report
> back with the status if no one else has yet.
Well, that's probably going to be a quicker response than I would.
If another datapoint is needed, somebody drop me a line.
> Have is's changes been moved to the release branch yet?
No clue on that. (Hadn't even heard of Ignatios's work.)
~ g r @