Subject: _IS_ your laptop running NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: Ulrich Habel <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/02/2007 08:05:04
Hej fellow NetBSD users,
I attented the Systems in Munich and ran a NetBSD booth there. The most
asked question the Systems was:
Is my laptop able to run NetBSD?
Huh, that's a difficult question!
I would like to work on a NetBSD Laptop model page like the one in
FreeBSD. (Yeah, I know - the Linuxish people, too). So
you could help me out with a few answers:
- Does your laptop is able to run NetBSD (3.1/4.x)
- What's the model, type, hardware configuration
- What's working for you? (X11 accel, wireless, modem)
- dmesg/Kernel config file/X11 config file
Send your feedback to and I will sum it up and put it on
the NetBSD webpage for documentation. I will put a link in the community
wiki, too - in order to keep this proccess ongoing.
I know reed has already made a page, however it's slightly outdated and I
think starting a new one will make sense.
Ulrich Habel <> |