Subject: Re: est estimation broken on Core 2 Duo T7100
To: None <>
From: Michael van Elst <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/16/2007 05:21:39 ("Jared D. McNeill") writes:
>est_init_main: hi 1420 mV, 2000 MHz
>est_init_main: raw 45 , 10
>est_init_main: cur = 0xa2d
This is probably the IDA (Intel Dynamic Acceleration) feature.
The T7100 data sheet says that one core can temporarily operate
at 2GHz while the other core is inactive.
It also says that Vcc_core should be 1075mV/1175mV for
normal operation and 1075mV/1250mV for IDA operation
(for lowest/highest frequency respectively).
No idea how that translates to the MSR values.
Michael van Elst
"A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."