Subject: Re: RealTek 8168B/8111B PCIe and ACPI on 4.0BETA2 (june 2 snapshot)
To: None <>
From: Lasse =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hiller=F8e?= Petersen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/07/2007 23:23:47
Replying to myself here, just to add latest experiment.
I built a new kernel, with netbsd-4 source from last night, taking the
GENERIC.MP kernel and adding:
no acpi0 at mainbus
(I tried including both that line and the "no ioapic* at mainbus?" from
GENERIC.NOACPI, but it didn't seem to compile.)
So far this kernel seems to work OK. I tried to boot a GENERIC.MP built
from the same code, but it too gave re0: watchdog timeout errors after a
few minutes. So it would seem that my motherboard doesn't like acpi.
I guess I am now in a position where I could try a few things, so if anyone
would like to guide me, I'd be glad to offer my system for debugging this