Subject: RE : Re: Wakeup on LAN and NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Laurent FAILLIE <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/08/2007 17:48:41
Hi Martijn,
> You may call me crazy, but my NetBSD/amd64 machine
> only seems to respond to
> WOL packets iff it has been properly shut down using
> 'shutdown -p'[1] with
> ACPI enabled, but not when the power has been
> cycled, or when I hit the
> power button.
It sounds consistent w/ some informations I found on
the web.
But what do you mean by "'shutdown -p' with ACPI
enabled" ? How can I ensure that ACPI is enabled ?
The misspelling master is on the Web.
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