Subject: Re: Wakeup on LAN and NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Martijn van Buul <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/08/2007 12:08:40
* Jukka Salmi:
> Hmm, the machine you want to wake up is not running any operating
> system, so why should it matter which system will be booted?
Not "will be booted", but maybe "has been running".
You may call me crazy, but my NetBSD/amd64 machine only seems to respond to
WOL packets iff it has been properly shut down using 'shutdown -p'[1] with
ACPI enabled, but not when the power has been cycled, or when I hit the
power button. I guess not all BIOSes do TRT in all cases, in which case
the previously running OS *does* have an influence, especially if specific
drivers are installed.
[1] Or poweroff, or halt, or..
Martijn van Buul -