Subject: Re: Wakeup on LAN and NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/07/2007 22:51:15

Laurent FAILLIE --> port-i386 (2007-05-07 22:31:57 +0200):
> Does someone succeed to wake up a machine running
> NetBSD from the network ?

I use [1]wol (pkgsrc/net/wol) on NetBSD machines to wake up other
machines which then boot NetBSD, in case that's what you're asking...

> I own an old HP Vectra VL 6 (P-II 233 Mhz) using a
> network card 3Com 3c905B-Tx having an HP's RPO/RWU
> connector. This machine runs under NetBSD 3.1
> Despite the fact the network card seems to be active
> (the corresponding LED on my HUB is on even when the
> machine is down), I'm not able the wake up it by
> sending 'WoL' frames.
> Old HP documentation about this machine said WoL works
> only when the machine running windows95 or NT, but not
> OS/2 or other OSes. I read also on some forums that
> the OS needs to support some specials ACPI features
> when shuting down the machine.

Hmm, the machine you want to wake up is not running any operating
system, so why should it matter which system will be booted?

Regards, Jukka


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$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~