Subject: nuke bootfloppy-*big
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/26/2006 05:13:35
We build bootable ISOs as part of the build today, and given that
bootfloppy-big is too big *again*, I wonder if there's a good reason to
keep that.
What do you use bootfloppy-big.fs for besides making bootable ISOs?
(I've heared PXE boot, but that doesn't seem true; we do ship INSTALL
kernels anyways)
Disabling those floppies could done like shown below.
Shall we?
- Hubert
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/distrib/i386/floppies/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -r1.35 Makefile
--- Makefile 19 Nov 2006 11:17:51 -0000 1.35
+++ Makefile 26 Nov 2006 04:11:16 -0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
SUBDIR+= bootfloppy
-SUBDIR+= bootfloppy-big
+#HF#SUBDIR+= bootfloppy-big
SUBDIR+= bootfloppy-com
-SUBDIR+= bootfloppy-laptop-big
+#HF#SUBDIR+= bootfloppy-laptop-big
SUBDIR+= bootfloppy-laptop
# These are all rather archaic...
# SUBDIR+= bootfloppy-ps2