Subject: Boot problems with Mini-itx PD6000E
To: None <>
From: David Lord <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/15/2006 13:36:08
Boot problems with Mini-itx PD6000E
Mid June I built up a server using a EPIA PD6000E m/b. I sort of
remember some issue with getting it to boot after install of NetBSD
3.0 but didn't save the details.
I've just setup another of these and used a bootable NetBSD 3.1RC1 cd
for install which appeared to go smoothly until reboot with message
can't find /boot.
During install the geometry suggested as correct was 1024x255x63 and
I'd accepted that. On subsequent boot from cd I noticed suggested
geometry was 1024x240x63 and on accepting that it was not possible to
mount any partitions. After another reboot from cd when geometry was
changed from 240 to 255 hd I was able to see the disk ok and use
fdisk to reinstall boot loader. That still failed to get system
booting ok and I had to go into m/b bios and change hdd from auto to
LBA after which bootup was ok.
I used ftp to copy over dumps from the first pc (around 50GB) that I
intended to restore on this one which would then need minimal
reconfiguration. Unfortunately on interrupting boot I can't get into
single user, the pc just resets, or if I just try 'boot wd0a:netbsd'
it locks up after starting to load.
Any ideas?
I don't want to reinstall and have to ftp the 50 GB of dumps again
but suspect that may be my best option.
Other problem is that I can't get a NetBSD-4_20061001 cd to boot on
this system whereas the cd boots ok on my desktop (celeron 733). I
might burn a second cd in case it's just the media.