Subject: Version 3.0.1 and 200609170000Z hangs upon boot
To: None <>
From: Video Mike <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/12/2006 02:23:05
Dear NetBSD,
I just bought a new Intel DG965ry Desktop Board with the Celeron D
Duo Core CPU. When booting the installation CD created from either
3.0.1 or 200609170000Z, the system simply hangs when it polls for
the wd0 device. This is a 80GB Western Digital drive connected to
a SATA port on the mainboard. Where can I locate a SATA driver for
NetBSD for either of these versions? or can a driver be found in
version 4.0 beta or alpha to support this mainboard? If there is no
support for any of this hardware currently should I go to FreeBSD
until support is ready?
Please help.
--Video Mike--