Subject: Re: cannot configure wd0i as dump device
To: Christian Groessler <>
From: Quentin Garnier <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/10/2006 22:57:23
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On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 09:15:41PM +0200, Christian Groessler wrote:
> I have this line in my config:
> ---------
> config netbsd root on ? type ffs dumps on wd0i
> ---------
> I get an error when I try to configure the kernel:
> ---------
> $ /usr/local/tools/bin/nbconfig POLLY
> POLLY:229: netbsd: invalid dumps device name `wd0i'
> POLLY has no configurations!
> *** Stop.
> $=20
> ---------
> If I remove the "dumps on wd0i" in the configuration file it works.
> Seems to be a bug in the config program?
Actually, no. It's a very embarrassing bug, though.
Here is the story: config(1) is expected to resolve the name you give
in the config line. That means finding the major and minor numbers of
the device.
The minor number is assigned the following way:
minor =3D device_unit * maxpartitions + partition_number
So config(1) uses the maxpartitions parameters (found in files.${ARCH})
to calculate the minor number.
There's one dreadful arch for which it doesn't work. In old days,
i386 had maxpartitions set to 8, like I guess all archs. At some point
it wasn't enough anymore and one poor decision was made: not to annoy
i386 users at the time. While understandable, it does cause trouble.
On i386, to allow 16 partitions, minor numbers are calculated in a more
complicated way so that people with very old /dev don't have to rebuild
The problem is, config(1) doesn't know about that, and cannot really
know either. So maxpartitions in files.i386 is still 8 so that minor
numbers are calculated correctly--as long as you don't specify a
partition beyond xdNh...
The workaround is to specify the major and minor numbers instead of the
name of the device, i.e.:
config netbsd root on ? type ffs dumps on major 0 minor 524288
I don't really favour adding code to config(1) to make it know about
that issue... I'd rather see a way to resolve the device at run time,
which should probably be doable.
I really hate that awful hack. It will probably prevent booting an
amd64 kernel on an i386 userland for as long as we lack devfs...
Quentin Garnier - -
"You could have made it, spitting out benchmarks
Owe it to yourself not to fail"
Amplifico, Spitting Out Benchmarks, Hometakes Vol. 2, 2005.
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