Subject: Re: Intel mini update
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/06/2006 21:53:18
In message <>, Jeff Rizzo writes:
>I'm interested in whatever you can find out about msk0; I assume you're
>using a very recent -current? I may be able to help debug.
It's about 8 hours old. I've been alternating cvs update and make release
trying to get past some build failures in genfs (more recent) or auth_pam
(older). Machine's working otherwise great, so far. I'm not even STARTING on
X11 until I have some other stuff worked out.
Looks like I lose about 200MB of disk to the boot camp special partition.
Fine by me. I got the mini for a project a while back, I don't need it
for that anymore, and you simply cannot beat this hardware for small, quiet,
and a reasonable price/performance balance. (Especially when you consider
that it was budgeted for that project, which I got paid for.)