Subject: Re: Intel Mini?
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/04/2006 16:37:28
In message <>, Jason Thorpe
>Honestly, this is my biggest reason for not using NetBSD on a desktop
>system, as well. Note: I wouldn't use Solaris, or Linux, or anything
>else for that matter that depended on klunky X11 apps for day-to-day
>stuff like email, calendaring, web browsing, etc. No, text-based apps
>don't count.
>KDE, GNOME, Firefox, whatever ... they all suck, IMO. I just happen
>to like the Mac apps a whole lot better.
You know, a discussion of viable NetBSD desktop environments (for different
kinds of viability) might be rather interesting, but it's no longer port-i386.
But what list would it go on? Advocacy, maybe?
I would point out that the initial starting point of this thread is that I
have a machine running OS X, but I want to use it as a desktop workstation,
and thus I want NetBSD on it. But then, my requirements are odd. Most of my
work happens in an 80x30 xterm that completely fills a 1600x1200 screen. (As
in, I have to suppress even the one-pixel border in my wm to get it to fit.)