Subject: Re: Intel Mini?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/04/2006 16:12:10
>> No; I don't bank "online". I don't shop "online". I won't handle
>> interaction with my credit card issuers "online". I know too much
>> about the technology.
> Your phrasing suggests a belief that others who know as much about
> the technology could never make occasional reasoned choices that
> differ from yours. ;)
But of course! "There are two kinds of people: those who are wrong and
those who agree with me."
Seriously, though, that's a valid point; I was being a bit too
elliptical. "I know too much about the technology for my threat model
and risk tolerance to let me do these" would be a fuller phrasing.
I also burn paper with personal information on it (eg, junk snail mail
with my name and address), rather than expose it to dumpster-diving,
and suchlike - in many respects I am far more security-paranoid than
most. And none of this means that it's wrong for others to make these
tradeoffs other ways; while I would take issue with claims that my
choices are wrong, I don't take issue with claims that other choices
are right - except when they actually mean right *for me*, and not
always even then.
And this has little to nothing to do with NetBSD on i386 any longer.
Unless someone brings it back on topic, this will be my last post in
the thread on this list.
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