Subject: Re: Intel Mini?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/04/2006 13:19:35
>> I guess I must not be using the Internet, then, since I'm not using
>> any binary-only plug-ins or add-ons on my (NetBSD) boxen.
> Lucky you - you probably haven't tried corresponding with my credit
> card issuer
No; I don't bank "online". I don't shop "online". I won't handle
interaction with my credit card issuers "online". I know too much
about the technology.
> That's where things start to get serious: when outfits providing
> necessary meatspace services see no reason not to rely on such goo,
> and can't be persuaded otherwise.
Necessary? Again, I seem to be doing just fine without them. My
credit-card company corresponds with me by paper, and that's just how I
want it.
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