Subject: Re: fdisk
To: Andy Ball <>
From: David Laight <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/04/2006 20:37:48
On Mon, Sep 04, 2006 at 02:15:02AM +0000, Andy Ball wrote:
> Hello,
> During an ill-fated NetBSD install yesterday, I noticed that fdisk
> seemed to be doing something odd with the "end" value specified for a
> BIOS-level partition. At a screen where the start, end and size of a
> partition was displayed, the value shown for end appeared to be the
> first available sector /after/ the specified partition. I'm not sure
> whether the same problem exists when partitioning in cylinders or mega
> -bytes. For example: if I had a partition 20,859 sectors long starting
> at sector 17, it ends at sector 20,875 but fdisk reports 20,876. Has
> anyone else seen this?
For various reasons (mainly being much easier to code [1]) the value reported
for the 'end' is that of the start of the next partition.
[1] The problem is that you want to say cylinder 1-12, not 1-11/15/62
when the partition contains a whole number of cylinders. And it is much
easier to omit the numbers when they are zero!
David Laight: