Subject: Re: drvctl rescan for esata drive?
To: None <>
From: MLH <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/25/2006 22:03:47
Juan RP wrote:
>> I have a usb2/esata external drive I am using for backup via usb2
>> on several machines.
>> The esata works also, but I can't figure out if there is a way to
>> rescan the bus and attach the drive outside of a reboot.
>> Can drvctl(8) and atactl(8) be used to attach and detach the esata
>> drive in this manner? How do you configure drvctl to do this?
> I don't know, but to use drvctl you'll have to add in your kernel:
> pseudo-device drvctl
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, at least with NetBSD 3.0.1_STABLE
it appears that neither atabus nor viaide can perform a rescan:
$ drvctl -r atabus2
drvctl: DRVRESCANBUS: Operation not supported by device
$ drvctl -r viaide1
drvctl: DRVRESCANBUS: Operation not supported by device