Subject: Re: emergency advice needed
To: matthew sporleder <>
From: Steve Blinkhorn <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/30/2006 19:16:14
>>>"matthew sporleder" said:
> On 6/30/06, Steve Blinkhorn <> wrote:
> >
> > Aaaargh, to coin a phrase.
> (I think "Aaaargh" was coined by Charlie Brown, or someone earlier)
I thought he coined "Aaaaarrrggghhh", but then he had Lucy to cope
with :-)
> If I remember correctly, 1.6 and 3.0's rc.conf files were pretty
> similar, but to be safe, I would install the etc set and use the
> settings from your 1.6 rc.conf for rc_configured=YES and any
> networking stuff, so you can restart and get networking up.
I think I see where the problem may lie. The window I currently have
open onto this machine is a su shell. But if I try to su again, I
get "pam_start failed". IIRC this relates to the warning in the
docs and what I am most concerned about.
Steve Blinkhorn <>