Subject: Re: Booting an extended partition using NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Rakhesh Sasidharan <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/06/2006 06:48:28
> I THOUGHT I'd spotted the problem - then realised that the 'junk' sector
> should give a junk bootemenu name, rather than abort the scan.
> Although, quite possibly, adding a bootmenu name to the first extended
> partition (your swap ptn) might get things working.  You can delete
> it by changing it to <space><enter>.

I tried this. And it worked! :)) I knew it would work the moment I
added a name and fdisk said its going to update the MBR with the
mbr_ext code. So far it hadn't done that, and I found that strange.
After it worked, I deleted the bootmenu entry, and things still work.
Great! :)

So your hypothesis is that that the logical partition contained some
junk coz of which the scan was getting aborted? Geez. :( I had even
deleted that partition and tried -- but it didn't help. Giving it a
name finally did the trick.

Thanks again!

	NetBSD/i386 3.0 | pkgsrc-current | Toshiba Satellite L10-102* (netbsd archives) (netbsd manpages)