Subject: Re: State of the art in laptop suspension with ACPI, any comments or helpful suggestions?
To: Brian Buhrow <>
From: Pavel Cahyna <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/27/2006 10:43:20
On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 07:17:00PM -0700, Brian Buhrow wrote:
> Hello. I don't know if my skill level is high enough, but I've been
> recently thinking I might try to see if I can push the state of the art in
> NetBSD suspension capabilities on laptop computers with ACPI. As a
> preliminary to that effort, I have a few questions.
> 1. Is anyone already working on this issue? If so, would they mind
> corresponding with me about it?
> 2. If not, can anyone comment on, or suggest documentation I should read
> to familiarize myself with the concepts and API's necessary to complete the
> task?
> 3. Is there any prior work, prsumably incomplete, which I could use as a
> starting point?
I think the most recent work on this was presented in this thread: