Subject: Re: AHCI support for SATA devices?
To: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/14/2005 19:16:22
On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 11:42:14AM -0500, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> It appears that most manufacturers of SATA disk controllers are moving
> (painfully slowly, but moving nonetheless) towards Intel's "Advanced
> Host Controller Interface" as a replacement for the old IDE logical
> interface (really, the WD100x disk interface -- yowch!).  In particular,
> all the new Intel chipsets seem to support this interface and on a
> number of newer motherboards, it appears to be impossible to turn it
> off and get the old IDE interface that works with our drivers.
> AHCI is an open specification.  Linux and FreeBSD have support for it.
> It supports tagged queueing and many other performance-enhancing
> features.  Is anyone working on support for AHCI in NetBSD?

Do you know an add-on PCI adapter that has the AHCI interface ?
Hum, maybe the last DELL I have at work have AHCI on the motherboard,
I'll have a look.

Manuel Bouyer <>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference