Subject: Re: EST for Pentium M 770
To: Michael van Elst <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/27/2005 11:49:16
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On 2005.11.27 11:09:57 +0000, Michael van Elst wrote:
| (Rui Paulo) writes:
| >On the same subject, for those that need to step the Pentium M 730:
| >+/* Intel Pentium M processor 730 1.6 GHz */
| >+static const struct fq_info pentium_m_n730[] =3D3D {
| >+ { 1200, 1308 },
| >+ { 800, 988 }
| >+};
| >These two voltages seem correct, but I have no idea whether the
| >frequencies are since this is an 1.6GHz and not an 1.2Ghz CPU.
| Pentium M 730 runs with a 533MHz FSB, so the frequencies are
| "scaled" by 533/400. 1200 gives 1600, 800 gives 1066.
| Where did you get the values? I could need a set for a M 780 (2.26GHz).
The first was from the est driver itself (it prints the mV and the
freq. at boot: cpu0: Enhanced SpeedStep running at 1200 MHz (1308 mV))
and the second one is on the datasheet available from Intel, but it's
the only one.
Like I said, the frequencies are most likely not correct.
-- Rui Paulo
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