Subject: Re: no printing
To: Steven M. Bellovin <>
From: Lucien GENTIS <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/09/2005 18:23:32
Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>In message <>, Lucien GENTIS writes:
>>Hi to all,
>>I just installed cups + ghostscript-esp + gimp-print-cups on NetBSD 2.0
>>to print with a Lexmark Z52
>>lpd is running (lpd -s)
>>cupsd is running (/usr/pkg/sbin/cupsd &)
>>I can print a test page when connecting to http://localhost:631
>>but printing is impossible from gvim, mozilla or openoffice
>>(without any error message)
>>I can join cups error.log output if necessary.
>>Any idea
>Which lpr are you invoking from those programs? I find that
> chmod 0 /usr/bin/lp* /usr/sbin/lp*
>is useful on my CUPS machines.
> --Steven M. Bellovin,
YES, here is the solution:
A set of lp* tools exists in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin
and apparently, a new set of these tools is installed
either by cups or ghostcript in /usr/pkg/bin.
Mozilla invoques lpr in its printing command, which
is /usr/bin/lpr and doesn't seem to function with cups.
So I typed the command "chmod 0 /usr/bin/lp* /usr/sbin/lp*"
to disable these tools and the printer functions yet !!
(in addition, there's no need of lpd daemon)
Many thanks to you, Mr Bellovin
Lucien GENTIS from Metz (France)