Subject: pci latency timers on i386: universally misconfigured?
To: None <>
From: David Young <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/29/2005 19:45:58
While seeking the cause of "ath0: hardware error; resetting" messages
that ruin our ath0 enjoyment, I have noticed that virtually every
i386 BIOS I can find (Tyan K6-750, Dell P4 server, Soekris net4521)
sets values for the PCI Latency Timer that are not the least in
accord with what I expect after reading the "PCI Latency Timer Howto"
Is there any use in running a variant of pci_configure_bus(9) on
any/all/most i386s, in order to set sensible latency timers for a change?
David Young OJC Technologies Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933