Subject: Re: boot loader timeout under qemu
To: Alan Barrett <,>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/07/2005 02:53:58
In article <> you wrote:
> I am now fairly sure it's a qemu bug.  The
> implementation of BIOS call INT 15H function 86H" in
> pkgsrc/emulators/bochs/work/bochs-2.1.1/bios/rombios.c contains a
> loop that reads from port 0x61, expecting the 0x10 bit to toggle
> every 15 microseconds.  The part of qemu that emulates that port
> (pkgsrc/emulators/qemu/work/qemu-0.7.0/hw/pc.c:speaker_ioport_read())
> just toggles the bit on every read.

Maye bring that up on the qemu list? It's where people with clue on qemu 
(clue-emu? :) can  be found...

 - Hubert