Subject: Re: pthreads/other threads status ?
To: Peter <>
From: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/06/2005 13:49:33
On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 04:45:20PM +0300, Peter wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know what the status of pthreads is, in 2.+ . I have
> ported a small program to 1.6.1 and it works but some aspects have
> strange reactions if I use anything but the default pthreads attributes
> for new tasks. Is threre a substitute pthreads library recommended for
> use with netbsd ?
NetBSD 1.6.1 does not have a system thread library. Did you mean "I
have ported a small program to 2.0", or did you mean "I have ported a
small program to NetBSD 1.6, using third-party thread library ____"?
Thor Lancelot Simon
"The inconsistency is startling, though admittedly, if consistency is to be
abandoned or transcended, there is no problem." - Noam Chomsky