Subject: panic on 2.0.2
To: NetBSD/i386 mailing list <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/03/2005 18:20:06
I just got a panic in 2.0.2. It's a 1ghz Athlon with 512 megs of
memory. GENERIC kernel.
I'm running pf from pkgsrc as a kernel module, nothing else too fancy
really. It's also doing nat, with wm0 on the inside interface and ex0
on the outside.
Disks are controlled by a High Point ATA100 controller.
I tried to get the dump but it wouldn't copy and I'm not sure why. I
had to get it back up and running anyway.
It said uvm_fault.
Anyone seen this or have any ideas? If it happens again maybe I'll
have more time to capture the info.