Subject: Re: Problems with VIA tech EDEN ESP CPU core.
To: Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek <>
From: John Clark <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/25/2005 14:35:51
Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek wrote:
>On Fri, Mar 25, 2005 at 08:59:25AM -0800, John Clark wrote:
>>Apparently there have been problems with other VIA CPU's. Has anyone
>>found a fix. The 'boot' loader
>>loads and prints out a message about memory and such, but after that nix.
>>I've looked at what the bios prints out as 'northbridge/southbridge',
>>and the PCI ids are all to be found
>>in the pci listing in the kernel sources, etc. so it seems to be
>>something else.
>Is it possible it is the bootloader problem (ie does 1.6 work)?
Unfortunately I've dispatched my 1.6 setup to the o-zone, so I can't
test against that without
much 'hassele'. But if that is working for others, then I'll have to try it.
John Clark