Subject: Re: "mbrlabel" weirdness - bug or feature?
To: Alec Muffett <>
From: Quentin Garnier <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/18/2005 15:39:55
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On Fri, Feb 18, 2005 at 02:16:59PM +0000, Alec Muffett wrote:
> >If you're using the whole disk for NetBSD (as you apparently do), only
> >configure one MBR partition for NetBSD, and then use disklabel to do
> >the actual partitioning.
> There's the issue; the gap I need to leave for the hibernation space is=
> specifiable in BIOS sectors (1024 +/- 15, or thereabouts) - if I was to=
> try and get clever with NetBSD partitions, I would need to create a=20
> "hibernation" partition specified using NetBSD disk geometry. I don't=20
> yet understand well enough to convert from one to the other...
But does the BIOS care whether there is something partitioned at that
place? If not then just make sure you don't have any partition over it
in your disklabel.
If the BIOS does care about what MBR says for its hibernation space,
then you should know that it doesn't actually matters what the NetBSD
MBR partition is, you can reference the whole disk in the disklabel.
You create a MBR parition for NetBSD of an arbitrary size, then you
partition your disk exactly as you like in the disklabel.
Quentin Garnier - -
"When I find the controls, I'll go where I like, I'll know where I want
to be, but maybe for now I'll stay right here on a silent sea."
KT Tunstall, Silent Sea, Eye to the Telescope, 2004.
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