Subject: belgian keyboard mapping problem
To: None <>
From: Kobayashi <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/10/2005 21:04:43
About one year ago Jaromir Dolecek kindly helped me to set up belgium
(azerty) keyboard mapping by adding
mapfile /usr/share/wscons/keymaps/
to /etc/wscons.conf
and it worked flawlesly!
I didn't have much time back then to learn NetBSD (or UNIX in general),
but now I do, so I installed NetBSD 2.0!
But now I can't change the keyboard mapping? How come? Did they change
something in 2.0?
I really hope someone can help me out here, because searching
constantly for the right keys, doesn't make it a fun experience :-(
Thanks a lot!