Subject: Re: new computer
To: elliot <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/08/2005 13:03:44
In message <>, "elliot" writes:
>I have a brand new 700 dollar dell computer, is there a good chance netbsd
>and windows will run on it? How can I be sure? Thanks
There are no guarantees, but the odds are pretty good. That said, there's
some chance that you'll have to fight something. A NetBSD installation
CD will test access to the disk and the Ethernet card. The remaining
issue is the graphics card for X11; the only easy way I know to test
that is via a NetBSD Live CD. (There's a package in pkgsrc to build
one, but I haven't tried it.) I have a new Dell Dimension 8400; I did
have problems with the graphics card, but switching to xorg instead of
XFree86 solved it. Everything else, including the GigE and the SATA
disk, just worked. (I'm running -current on this machine.)
--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,