Subject: NetServer LH II with MP support
To: None <>
From: Peter Eisch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/26/2005 11:11:21
I recently acquired a PII/333MHz MP system that runs fine with a UP kernel
but locks up with the MP kernel (2.0 GENERIC). I just updated the bios to
the latest available from HP and it seems the APIC info in the BIOS isn't
supported. Is there a known config option to indulge this system's
ineptness, or should I give up on running it MP?
For what it's worth, I put the Fedora Core 3 install in there and just as
soon as the initrd.img is loaded, the system resets. My guess is that it
too is trying to init the MP kernel which ends up seeing something it knows
it doesn't like and then resets the system.
Thanks thoughts and ideas,