Subject: Re: JAVA on MP, current pgsql
To: Andreas Drewke <>
From: Stefan Schumacher <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/20/2005 16:02:20
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Also sprach Andreas Drewke (
> Second thing ist that the current postgresql 7.4.6 server from pkgsrc see=
ms to=20
> have problems too. At some point (didnt investigate it further) it starts=
> eat 100% cpu and never gets out of this state again.=20
> Note: here it doesnt matter if you got a i386-uni or i386-mp system.
> Like the beatles used to sing ... help!
> Any sugesstions? Can somebody confirm both problems?=20
I could reproduce that PostgreSQL Problem on a machine at work with
2.0 and there is another thread about that going on.
Upgrade to the yesterday released PostgreSQL 8, it builds out of the
box and offers some nice new features like Savepoints, Tablespace
and Point-In-Time Recovery :-) or try NetBSD current.
I had no problems with PostgreSQL RC5 on 2.99.10
PGP FPR: CF74 D5F2 4871 3E5C FFFE 0130 11F4 C41E B3FB AE33
Das Argument, dass auch die Daten Unschuldiger gespeichert werden,
interessiert mich nicht.
BKA-Chef Ziercke demonstriert seine Ablehnung des Grundgesetzes
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