Subject: Re: noise on pci bus?
To: Sean Davis <>
From: Lennart Augustsson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/17/2005 16:23:37
Get a pair of USB speakers. :)
Sean Davis wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 17, 2005 at 03:57:58PM +0100, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
>>I doubt the PCI bus itself is noisy. But your sound card could
>>very well be picking up noise from other parts of the computer.
>>It's a very hostile environment for analog electronics.
>> -- Lennart
> That's pretty much what I meant, just phrased in a better manner :-)
> So, on that note... is there anything I can do about it? Switch back to the
> auvia onboard sound, and hope that it eventually gets better support? That's
> what I had to do with the last machine to have this SB Live! in it (a Duron
> 1ghz) (although, I doubt it's the fault of the SB Live!... though it does
> puzzle me that nothing like this ever happened in my p3 650 with an ISA SB64.
> That's why I suspected something on the PCI bus.)
> As for noise from other parts of the computer... well, I'm sure there is
> plenty of that, with eight fans and five HD's :-\
>>Sean Davis wrote:
>>>I have no idea what's causing this, but I'm experiencing what I can best
>>>describe as "noise" coming over the PCI bus. At least, that's my guess. For
>>>example, it's happening under the following circumstances:
>>>root is on wd0a (SATA, onboard viaide)
>>>anoncvs mirror is on wd1a (SATA, onboard viaide)
>>>music is on wd2a (ATA100, onboard viaide)
>>>sound card is a PCI SB Live! 5.1. I have an onboard auvia, but for various
>>>reasons (such as support for it being even worse than support for emuxki),
>>>don't use it.
>>>When I was playing .flac's from a directory on wd2a, and did an rm -rf of
>>>the anoncvs mirror, the music started getting distorted. Not skipping, but
>>>getting staticy.
>>>Any ideas?