Subject: Re: pkg_add
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/07/2005 07:54:50
> "ftp: connect to address 2001:4f8:4:7:2e0:81ff:fe21:6563: No route to host."
> All other packets are routed without problem.
In isolation, I would take this to mean you have something peculiar
wrong with your IPv6 routing. But when it's followed by
> Maybe I need to open a port for pkg_add ?
it looks to me more as though you don't realize that what it's saying
is that it tried to reach on IPv6 and discovered you
have no IPv6 route to it (probably meaning you have no IPv6
connectivity at all). If it is then followed, as your message seems to
imply, by apparently normal operation, ftp presumably just retried on
the IPv4 address and everything went normally.
> Although, I thought it was working on port 21 anyway. ftp and all
> other protocols work fine through the firewall. Maybe I need to do
> some sort of debugging ?
The only debugging you need to do is that of your understanding of what
the message is saying, I suspect. Unless you think you _do_ have v6
connectivity, in which case you have a problem.
You could also take it as saying "you need to fix your network setup;
you don't seem to have IPv6 connectivity yet", if you prefer. :-)
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