Subject: i386/libxml2 missing. gnome2 install looping!
To: None <>
From: Lars-Johan Liman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/17/2004 14:29:28
This is probably not the right mailing list, but I'm not quite sure
which the right one is.

May I humbly request that a person with apropriate power gloves on the
apropriate master repository installs a pre-compiled version of

As it is, if you start with a "virgin" installation of 2.0-REL/i386,
and try to do

setenv PKG_PATH ftp://your.netbsd.mirror/pub/NetBSD/packages/2.0/i386/All
(and maybe 'setenv FTP_PASSIVE_MODE 1')

and then do

pkg_add -v gnome-2.6.2

then pkg_add will (as expected) start downloading the various parts,
unpack them, and trace the dependencies, download them, etc, etc.

However, eventually it starts looping, since some component depends on
libxml2, for which there is no pre-compiled version for i386.

BTW, looping is not my preferred error signal. ;-) It takes keen eyes
and some experience to realise that pkg_add <giant-package> is
looping. :-)

(Meanwhile ... pkgsrc, here I come! :-)

# There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand
# binary numbers, and those who don't.
# Lars-Johan Liman, M.Sc.	! E-mail:
# Senior Systems Specialist     ! HTTP  : //
# Autonomica AB, Stockholm 	! Voice : +46 8 - 615 85 72