Subject: Re: How to run
To: None <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/29/2004 19:49:09
>>>>> "cmh" == Charles M Hannum <> writes:
>> I knew has a different entry point than
>> 0x100 as, which I could run from DOS.
cmh> Normally it would be programmed into an EPROM and run by the
cmh> BIOS as a BIOS extension at boot time.
Are you thinking of the .rom version? He's asking about the .com
I used grub and etherboot briefly. It's big and ugly, and you can't
pass kernel options, and I had some weird problem building it by-hand
under NetBSD. But at least it supports more cards and load methods
than stand/
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