Subject: Re: NetBSD VM support?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Malcolm Herbert <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/18/2004 16:39:43
On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 02:25:22AM -0400, der Mouse wrote:
|> I am in a situation where I want to put a NetBSD virtual machine on a
|> Windows box[1] and was thinking of using something like bochs or
|> plex86.
|It'd be slower, but doesn't simh run under Windows?
I already have a nice setup with locally compiled pkgsrc binaries on our
in-house compile box and so on, so going to a VAX architecture for simh
would probably be a little more trouble than it would be worth, thanks
anyway ... :)
it does look nice though, and I'll certainly see if I can play with it
and see how it goes - one of my projects at Uni was simulating the
CPU for a PDP-8 at the silicon level (using a tool called Magic), so
it would be interesting to see how that went ...
|> (simple machine, network support, no pressing need for video support)
|I think that sounds like simh - though admittedly I haven't poked at
|simh enough to really know.
OK, maybe I really should have said I want to run NetBSD-i386 under a
virtual machine on a Windows-i386 PC, although the fact that I posted
this to port-i386 should have been a clue ... :)
Malcolm Herbert System Administrator
ph [990] 54881 rm 28-241 School of GeoSciences