Subject: Re: matlab stopped working between 1.6ZH and 2.0C
To: None <,>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/21/2004 13:37:30
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Mark Davies <> wrote:
> so with matlab 6.5.R14 and suse91 (on 2.0F) I get a splashscreen up then:
I just noticed that Release 14 of matlab is referred to as 7.0.0 (R14).
More version numer nonsense.
> % matlab
> ??? MATLAB was unable to open a pseudo-tty: Invalid argument [22,1]
Hmm, I did see that with matlab 6.5 R12. In R13 they apparently stopped
using /dev/ptmx (I think), which allowed NetBSD to do the pty
allocation. Now we have ptmx usage back, eh?
> Opening log file: /u/staff/mark/java.log.1023
> Segmentation fault
Hmm, I just NFS mounted a Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 system over
/usr/pkg/emul/linux. 'matlab -nojvm' appears to work. But if I start
it with the desktop, it also gives me a memory fault (after briefly
flashing the desktop).
Then I NFS mounted a Slackware 9.1 based system over
/usr/pkg/emul/linux. After adding the symlink to into
usr/lib (on the linux system), it starts, again, with '-nojvm'.
Without, it sits there poll(2)ing for a while and prints ``do_ypcall:
clnt_call: RPC: Timed out'' before memory faulting and giving the same
java error log that you observed.
Of course it runs NetBSD!
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