Subject: Re: MP kernel + RAIDframe vs. crash dumps
To: None <>
From: Valtteri Vuorikoski <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/12/2004 02:15:10
Jeff Rizzo <> writes:
> So, it seems to me that we have a problem with crash dumps on NetBSD/i386
> with MP kernels... was this known? I didn't see anything in the PR database...
> should I send-pr this? Which part, exactly? :)
I've been seeing similar problems (sync hanging and/or crash dump not working)
on a machine running a single-processor 2.0_BETA (May 27) kernel+userland
with root and swap (but not dump) on a raidframe RAID1 set.
I haven't remembered to write down backtraces when I've had problems,