Subject: Re: problem installing bootblock on 1.6.2
To: Renaud M?trich <>
From: David Laight <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/24/2004 23:04:18
On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 10:53:01PM +0200, Renaud M?trich wrote:
> hello,
> having configured my slices not starting with slice "a" (i've tried 
> putting my / on slice "e"), it appears that the boot block (serialline 
> or not) cannot be installed:
> i get a "device not configured" because it tries to install it on 
> /dev/wd0a (which doesn't exist).
> i suspect that this must be the same for netbsd-current.
> i believe that the tool should use /dev/wd0d which is the whole disk.

Actually /dev/wd0c would be nearer the mark - expect the kernel doesn't
let you access it!

It is best if the root filesystem starts at the beginning of the mbr
partition. You can just 'copy' (use dd) /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv1 there but
skipping the 2nd sector (the disklabel), and it may get one step closer.


David Laight: