Subject: Re: Successfully installed NetBSD... Internet connectivity?
To: Masik Shmasik <>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/03/2004 16:58:40
On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 05:38:27PM +0000, Masik Shmasik wrote:
> First of all, I'd like to say that it was easiest install ever despite
> the common opinion in reverse. Now, the first thing I want is to connect
> to the internet. Well, of course I have a winmodem, but it works great
> with ltmodem drivers on gento. I currently installed NetBSD on a separate partition and dualboot it. I'm new to all this package system
> ( which called ports on FreeFSD, correct?) and assuming it has to work
> similarly to what gentoo refers as ebuilds. The whole point of my
> curiosity about NetBSD is that it compiles from source with something
> referred as pkgsrc, but which is not installed by default? Am I correct? Being said that, what is my next step? Does NetBSD has a source
> package for ltmodem? Do I need to save those pkgsrc and whatever else
> I need for a dial-up on a CD, copy them somewhere ( BTW where ) and...
> what? Does pkgsrc will calculate dependencies for me or I have to know
> them myself, in other words it just installs the package? What dial-up
> tools NetBSD has? I feel pretty comfortable with wvdial on Gentoo,
> so If NetBSD has this package this could be wonderful. If not,
> what NetBSD people use for dial up?
I don't know about the winmodem, but the packages collection lives / is
explained here:
(linked off the main page at
> When I have finished the installation sysinst told me to edit some
> file ( was it /etc/rc.conf? ) Can anyone give me some basic sample
> of this file?
/etc/defaults/rc.conf contains all the possible options, and comments.
After setting rc_configured to YES, anything else in that file will
override the settings in /etc/defaults/rc.conf. (man rc.conf)
> I was quite surprised to notice that NetBSD creates some sort of
> virtual drive and installs two separate partitions inside them?
> I have installed it on my last fourth partition. Surprise for me.
> I doesn't use swap? Yet again, surprise.
I don't understand the virtual drive part, however, I think part of
the problem is our overloading of the word "partition". You have your
4 partitions in MBR. Your reference to swap I think is because Linux
uses one of those 4 as swap. In general NetBSD uses 1 of those 4
That partition is then divided into partitions ;) which appear in the
disklabel. One of these, eg /dev/wd0b may be swap. (cf /etc/fstab)