Subject: Re: VLAN Configuration Problem
To: Ray Phillips <>
From: Simas Mockevicius <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/17/2004 11:22:40
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On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 06:32:28PM +1000, Ray Phillips wrote:
> What's the appropriate combination of assigning an IP number(s) and=20
> subnet mask(s) to ex0 and vlan0 -- should both devices be given these=20
> values or just one, and should they be the different?
When I was configuring my system, I gave IP only to vlan interfaces.
> Should I have created two pseudo vlan devices or just one? At first=20
well, it is depends what do you want to do. One more question:
do you want to reach all mashines from any of them? Did you
configured "shared" port for boths vlans?
> I configured the switches "common" port to be tagged (in the switch's=20
> configuration nomenclature) for the VLAN test1 and untagged for=20
> test2. When I didn't succeed I selected "tagged" for both its VLANs=20
> and created another vlan pseudo device, but it didn't help.
> Ray
Simas Mockevicius
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