Subject: Re: lock up in 1.6.1, 1.6.2RC4
To: Bill Chiarchiaro <>
From: Phil Nelson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/27/2004 10:34:08
On Friday 27 February 2004 09:25 am, Bill Chiarchiaro wrote:
> The lock-ups have almost always happened while using galeon, usually
> when doing something as simple as moving the pointer into an existing
> galeon window. =A0A very few times, the lock-ups have happened while
> using gimp-1.2.5. =A0The machine instantly becomes completely
> non-responsive. =A0I've let it sit for as long as a few minutes, but
> nothing happens (no panic, no changes on the display, ...). =A0The
> machine also fails to respond to any network activity.

I have seen the same thing on an IBM T30.  It usually happens when I'm usin=
Konqueror.   I'm also using 1.6.1.   I think it has happened with kmail.  I=
almost always happens when I'm switching windows.   I have no furthur=20
information but to say it happens on another machine.
