Subject: Re: GENERIC is absurdly big
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/22/2003 17:16:50
>>> i rather prefer source modules than unknown code.
>> You read all the sources you compile and use, line by line, right?
> I cannot speak for Wojchiech, but maybe I can explain why many people
> strongly prefer using open source software: [peer reveiew]

Well, trolling for flames aside, yes, that's part of it: open-source
code has more eyes looking at it.  Three of the other reasons I'm a
confirmed open-source bigot (and no, I don't read every line either, at
least not in most cases):

- If I have reason to suspect something nefarious, it is much easier to
  verify exactly what is going on.

- If I don't like something about the way it works, it's much easier
  for me to fix it to behave the way I want.

- I run a lot of different hardware platforms, with somewhat unusual OS
  software, and binary-only code is often not available for the
  combination I'd want to run it on.

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