Subject: Re: Lucent Wavelan Silver Configuration Problems
To: None <>
From: Aidan Kehoe <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/04/2003 00:02:52
 Ar an 4ú lá de mí 12, scríobh Christian Biere :

 > Abarguryrff, vg'f n sevxxva funzr gung iraqbef rira *qner* gb bssre hcqngrf
 > nf Jvafhpxf-bayl irefvba. Gurer pna'g or gung znal qhyy crbcyr, pna gurer?!

Meh, makes their lives easier, I can't blame them for that. Or are you
suggesting they should ship their updates on freedos floppies? 

I don't care if it rains of freezes/'Long as I got my Plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car.